NAB 2015 Rewind - Brett Morris, Capacity: Abstract Animation with Simple Deformations

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 41:45
  • Views: 17320
  • Made with Release: 16
  • Works with Release: 16 and greater

Brett Morris from Capacity shows off workflow techniques used to create an undulating orb and landscape for a not-yet-released project.

Brett Morris from Capacity shows off workflow techniques used to create an undulating orb and landscape for a not-yet-released project.

07:52Cloth-like Simulation with Jiggle and Surface Deformers
12:12Controllable FFD via PoseMorph
15:04Combining Deformers to Create and Undulating Orb
27:20Complex Landscape with Displacer Deformer and Layer Shader
33:21Landscape Rendering and Compositing
36:19Feather Ball (Matrix Object as Falloff, Deformers, Feathers)

Brett achieves a cloth-like simulation that's much more controllable by layering the Jiggle, Surface, Smoothing and other deformers and applying Turbulence Force objects and layered Noise.

Brett also shows how he ""modeled"" an abstract landscape with a Displacer deformer using multiple gradient and noise patterns within a Layer Shader.

Finally, Brett shows a cool technique for using a MoGraph Matrix as a falloff source for deformation, and layering additional deformers to create an organic flow animation. He adds Hair and Feathers onto the deformed object for really dramatic results.

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